Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fixing Doors that want to swing shut!

Fixing Doors that want to swing shut!

I recently took a listing for a home in Corvallis, Oregon. It was an older home, built in the 60s - very nice, especially after it was staged thanks to Creative Concepts.  

The house is in great condition - but this one bedroom door would not stay open.  I had voiced this to the lady that was doing the staging and she told me a quick and easy trick that I thought I would share.  Because, hey... I don't think I am the only one with the problem and I had not had a chance to search it on the internet yet.  

She told me to remove the bottom pin from the hinge, lay it on concrete and hit the pin right in the middle.  The purpose is to bend the pin a bit. One strong "ding" should do the job.  Then replace the pin back in the door hinge.  YES!!! It worked like a charm.

I was so thankful and it took me less than two minutes to solve the problem.  I hope you can use this beneficial tip as well.

Search for homes in Corvallis and Albany, Oregon

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Price Your Home the FIRST TIME

This is how we do itI know this is way too much information for some Sellers, however, with a changing market, and more educated Buyers and Sellers due to the internet, I have found that explaining HOW and WHY I came up with the List Price is very much appreciated.  (Disclaimer: This is a much abbreviated version of what I truly do.)

When a REALTOR suggests a LIST PRICE, we have to consider two things: 1. What buyers are willing to pay for the house, and 2. What the appraiser will value the house.

I personally start with homes that I think an appraiser will use in the appraisal.  I find homes that are as close to the "subject property" (a.k.a. Your House).  I consider age of home, square feet, lot size, location, and any special features.  As you know, we can sell a house at any price, but unless the appraiser says the value is there, a lender will not lend on that amount.  So we must be realistic.

Sometimes there is a HUGE discrepancy in the homes that are currently ACTIVE on the market, and those that have SOLD - with the same criteria. Yes, it may be a tough pill to swallow, but wisdom at the beginning of the listing will reap great rewards later.

Next, I think like a buyer.  If a buyer qualifies for a home up to $XXX,000 what would that buyer look at?  And how does the "subject property" compare?

This essentially is the competition.  As you look at the competition, you usually get an idea of how your home compares to the competition.  I have found this to be an invaluable tool.  The lower you go, the quicker the sale.

Now the interest rates have been increasing.  Many Buyers don't realize how much a rate increase affects their payment.  The higher the price and interest rate, the number of Buyers that can actually qualify for the house is decreased.

One thing I tell Sellers often - it is very hard to underprice a home, especially during a selling season.  Buyers have seen what is on the market and they will know when a good deal comes up.  If it is a GREAT deal, there most likely will be multiple offers which will increase the sales price.

We have July and August for the big push for Buyers.  Hopefully, the increase in interest rates will get Buyers to act now.

I hope this helps a bit.

Search for Homes in Santa Cruz, California

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 4th Activities in Corvallis and Albany, Oregon

CORVALLIS: Enjoy the Red, White, & Blue Riverfront Festival in Downtown Corvallis along the beautiful Willamette River.  Family friendly, fun-filled activities featuring live music, food, crafts, Oregon wines and more.  FIREWORKS by the Corvallis Jaycees will begin after dusk.

For more information

ALBANY: This year, July 4th falls on a River Rhythms evening in Downtown Albany.  Enjoy a concert and stay for fireworks after the show.

Click here for more information about parking and the concert.

Search Homes for Sale in Corvallis, Albany, and Surround Area