Thursday, November 28, 2013

Black Friday, Christmas Spending, Budget, Debt, and Store Credit Cards

Black Friday is the best day to talk about the dreaded “B” word… Budget

By Terri Woods, Selling real estate in Corvallis, Albany, and surrounding areas
I know Black Friday officially begins tomorrow. Some stores are opening on Thanksgiving to get that jump ahead of the competition.
The temptation is to take advantage of all those great deals. BUT BEWARE. 
Did you know that over half of all Americans are accumulating debt faster than they are saving for retirement?  And this time is year is when many families increase that amount.

For those wanting to buy a home, an increase in debt may make the difference in your ability to buy and home in the future.

There are many Budget Calculators available online.  One that I greatly endorse is Dave Ramsey’s Christmas Budget Tool which will help you keep you on track while looking for those deals.

ONE MORE THING… When you do buy something, and approach the register, you may be offered to save 10%, 15% or even 20%+ if you open a store credit card. 

Though you might save up front, just know that in most cases, store credit cards are not good ideas.

I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and I wish you WISE SPENDING.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Has the real estate market shifted in Corvallis, Oregon?

Has the real estate market shifted in Corvallis, Oregon?
The average listing prices had a sharp decline while the median sales price continued to rise with the average home selling for $169 per sq. ft.  The overall market seems to be steady as we move into the 4th quarter, especially compared to other parts of the country.

SO… What does that mean to you as a BUYER? With interest rates still at historical lows, it is a great time to buy. The sellers that have their home on the market are serious sellers. There is still a good inventory of homes available with over 170 single family homes currently on the market.
My advice for BUYERS: If you find the house you want… BUY IT!

What does this mean if you are a SELLER? Price your home right! Homes that are priced according to the market sell no matter if it is a Buyer’s Market or a Seller’s Market. Overpriced homes will sit and sit and sit. Then, a buyer who knows the property has been on the market for a while will make a lower offer. But, if you price it right at the beginning, your home will be one of those that sale. Notice the huge increase in the Days on Market. Pricing right the first time will greatly reduce the days your house will be on the market.
My advice for SELLERS: Price your home right the first time. Be aggressive in price reductions.
When you are ready to BUY a home, SELL a home, or INVEST in real estate, give me a call. I will help you save time, money and stress.

Search Homes for Sale in Corvallis, Albany and surrounding areas for FREE
Call or Text Me concerning information on BUYER REPRESENTATION SERVICES (No Cost to Buyer) 541-760-0055
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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Does the Buyer or Seller Pay the Buyer's Agent?
Real Estate in Corvallis and Albany, Oregon
Answer:  In a traditional real estate transaction, the Seller has chosen to work with a Seller’s Agent. The Seller’s Agent normally markets the home in several different ways. One way the property is marketed is through the Multiple Listing Service.  In the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), the Seller’s Agent agrees to pay a Buyer’s Agent a determined amount.  In short, the Seller pays the Seller’s Agent and the Seller’s Agent pays the Buyer’s Agent.  (a.k.a. Buyers work with Buyer’s Agents for FREE!)
If I represent you in a transaction with an Unrepresented Seller (For Sale By Owner), my commission will be negotiated prior to any contract. In the past, I have found that For Sale By Owner’s do not have a problem paying a commission to a Buyer’s Agent.
This is a card I received from a For Sale By Owner who paid my commission.

 Dear Terri -
Josh and I want to thank you regarding your help with our recent house sale to Mike and Martha. We certainly appreciate your willingness to work with “by owner” sellers. We felt that the transaction went very smoothly and we are delighted to have Michael and Mary in the house. Thanks again for your help, Terri! Hope this finds you well.
    Sincerely, Kate and Josh

Are you considering buying a home? Contact me and ask for my FREE Homebuyer's eBook with tips for SMART Homebuyers (including WHAT NOT TO DO!)

Search Homes for Sale in Corvallis, Albany and surrounding areas for FREE
Call or Text Me concerning information on BUYER REPRESENTATION SERVICES (No Cost to Buyer) 541-760-0055
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Friday, November 1, 2013

Is it better to Buy or Rent in Corvallis / Albany, OR?

Is it better to buy or rent in Corvallis/Albany, OR?

Is it better to buy or rent in Corvallis / Albany? Because I enjoy selling real estate as a career, one would think that my first response is… BUY! Sales prices are still low. Interest rates are still low. There are even programs designed to get people back in home ownership sooner than later after a foreclosure or bankruptcy. But is it better FOR YOU to buy or rent?rent-vs-buy1 Only you can answer that question. There are many factors to consider. How long you stay in your home is a big variable. The New York Times Business Day has a great Rent vs. Buy calculator to help you determine if home ownership at this time is the way you should go. The monthly mortgage payment is a huge factor. Yes, there are many benefits to owning a home. You are able to change things the way you want them. Any improvement made is an investment in the value of the home. The possibility of a value increase, thus more money in your pocket when you do sell. Tax advantages. Stability of having a home that is yours. However, for some, the thought of owning a home is less than pleasing. The repairs, the upkeep, the lawn maintenance and the feeling of being tied down. Again, there are pros and cons on both sides. If you are currently a renter, and are considering home ownership, give me a call. I can help you save time, money, and stress in finding your very own home.

Search for homes in Corvallis, Albany and surrounding areas

Call/Text 541-760-005 for information on Buyer's Representation Services
(No Cost to Home Buyers)

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